Some highlights of the past years include:
InnovateUM event in partnership with the City of Missoula and the University of Montana
Hosting the incredible Traveling Sauna
Representing the FFM and Nordic countries at the International Fair at the University of Montana
Celebrating May Day in the park
A Danish fiddle concert in collaboration with our friends Kristian Bugge, Martin Høirup, and Jaime Fox
Meeting up with Maria Annala, a Finnish journalist, to talk about our Baby Box initiative
Nordic Brunch with our friends at Burns Street Bistro
Hosting an event for the Nordic exchange students in Missoula
Hosting a Finnish film "Steam of Life" at the Roxy Theater
Participating in the National Welcoming Week to support immigrants and refugees
Celebrating the Finnish Independence Centennial with Nordic fare made by the inimitable folks at Burns Street Bistro
Celebrating Finnish Independence Day outside of the Missoula Art Museum, at the Art Park, with a full Finnish flag, warm mulled wine, and lots of Finnish tunes.